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Our Campus

We are BVSD's Career and College Center that equips each student with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to develop their own career path. CTE Programs at the Boulder Technical Education Center provide 11th and 12th grade students with the opportunity to earn college credits and/or career enhancing certifications, a learning environment that promotes in demand career skills, all while maintaining home high school enrollment and providing transportation.

The TEC Difference

Learning at TEC is hands-on where students engage in authentic activities that connect the classroom to the real world. Through personalized learning, students will learn skills and knowledge that is transferable to career and college.

Why do students choose Boulder TEC?


 The best part of TEC is being able to talk to a trained professional in the area that you love to learn about.

I love how hands-on everything is. I feel like I'm interested in what I'm learning as well as challenged. I also know what I'm learning will make finding a job so much easier.